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Last year in September, the Centre for Classical and Medieval Studies at Peking University organised its first standardised test in Elementary Latin. Behind this move was a firm belief that the promotion of Latin and Ancient Greek among students in ancient and medieval literature, history and philosophy would be best served by the creation of a standard for assessing proficiency in those two classical languages. With 25 participants the first test has been very successful. Eager to continue on this path, we are pleased to announce that tests not only in Elementary Latin, but also in Elementary Greek will be offered next month at Peking University. The tests are open to students and young scholars from universities across China, including those in Taiwan and the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macao. The test in Elementary Latin is scheduled to take place on Saturday the 28th of April; the test in Elementary Greek on Sunday the 29th of April.

The Centre for Classical and Medieval Studies at Peking University will inform participants of their results by letter.

考试报名及邮箱 / Registration Email Address

Please send your name, institution, study field, email and mobile phone number to the following email address. Make sure that in the subject of your email you state whether you intend to register for the Elementary Latin test, for the Elementary Greek test or for both:



Elementary Latin

初级拉丁语考试标准和范围 / Scope of the standardised test Elementary Latin

The Latin exam, lasting for three hours, will test the candidates’ ability to translate a short Latin text of about 180 words, taken from the works of either Julius Caesar or Cornelius Nepos, into correct English. The grades awarded to the students are: A (90-100 points—excellent), B (80-89 points—good), C (70-79 points—adequate), D (60-69 points—unsatisfactory), F (0-59 points—inadequate). Participants are allowed to consult any of the following two dictionaries: Charlton T. Lewis, Latin Dictionary for Schools (Beijing: Peking University Press: 2015) or an earlier print of this dictionary, or William Smith and John Lockwood, Chambers Murray Latin-English Dictionary (Chambers: London 1976) or a later print. Participants are expected to be able to trace back words used in the text to their dictionary form.

考试内容涉及的拉丁基本语法 / Level of the standardised test in Elementary Latin

This exam is designed for those who are at a level that is approximately equal to that of someone having taken a Latin course for three semesters, four hours per week, and who has been reading for at least one full semester not too complex original Latin texts.

The following chart provides a list of the grammatical elements with which participants in the Elementary Latin test are expected to be familiar. Further details on these elements can be found in e.g. Kennedy, Benjamin Hall. 1962. The Revised Latin Primer. London: Longman.

Elementary Greek初级古希腊语考试说明

初级古希腊语考试标准和范围 / Scope of the standardised test Elementary Greek

The Greek exam, lasting for three hours, will test the candidates’ ability to translate a short Greek text of about 190 words, taken from early Plato or Xenophon’s Socratic writings into correct English. The grades awarded to the students are: A (90-100 points—excellent), B (80-89 points—good), C (70-79 points—adequate), D (60-69 points—unsatisfactory), F (0-59 points—inadequate). Participants are allowed to consult the following dictionary: An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon, by Robert Scott and H. G. Liddell, any edition. Participants are expected to be able to trace back words used in the text to their dictionary form.

考试内容涉及的古希腊语基本语法 / Level of the standardised test in Elementary Greek

This exam is designed for those who are at a level that is approximately equal to someone having taken a Greek course for three semesters, four hours per week, and who are reading not too complex original Greek texts.

The following chart provides a list of the grammatical elements with which participants in the Elementary Greek test are expected to be familiar. Further details on these elements can be found in e.g. in e.g. Morwood, J. (2003), Oxford Grammar of Classical Greek, OUP.


